USCIS I-693 Immigration Medical Exams

At Silicon Valley Medical Clinic we offer complete services for the USCIS I-693 Immigration Medical Exams, Labs and Immunizations.

We coordinate benefits with your insurance for cost effective Medical Exam and Vaccinations for your entire family. Lab tests must be ordered by a Civil Surgeon.

We also review and do assessment and waivers and certifications in case you have past history of citation of DUI or any substance abuse or difficulties abuse.

Experience with Immigration Medical Exams

  • Lowest Total Cost of Exam – Guaranteed!
  • We Coordinate Benefits With Your Insurance
  • Quick Turn Around, Expedient Service.
  • We Stock ALL Vaccines or Can Get Them
  • Pay & Book Your Labs at Our Clinic & Save
  • Kaiser, HMOs or No Insurance Patients Are Welcome
USCIS I-693 Immigration Medical Exams

I-589 Forms for Asylum $200. Does not include exams. Download form below.

N-648 Medical Certification for Disability Exception $200. Download form below.


We do every effort to save you money, coordinate your insurance benefits for the Lowest Total Cost of your i-693 Medical Exam completion.

  • I-693 Processing Fee: $200 per Form. Insurances do not cover this. Your employer may pay for it.
  • Medical/Physical Exam Must be done by our Civil Surgeon: $200 per Exam.
  • Lab Tests Special Package (Quantiferon, Gonorrhea & Syphilis) = $165 payable in advance. USCIS I-693 required tests are done by an independent lab with over 17 locations nearby in our area.
  • Vaccinations are Covered by Insurance: We stock & give vaccinations. You can get vaccines from us or from anyone else wherever is convenient and cheaper. Prices vary depending upon what is needed.

COST SUMMARY: (Excluding Vaccinations)

  • Self Pay or No Insurance: $200 (I-693) + $200 (Medical Exam) + $165 (Lab Tests , if needed) + any Vaccinations cost.
  • PPO Insurances: $200 (I-693) + $200 (Medical Exam) + $165 for Lab Tests (if needed) + any Vaccinations
  • Medical Exam $200 is not be reimbursed by insurance. We do not bill insurances for I-693 processing, medical exam & labs. These charges may be paid by your employer or by HSA/FSA cards.
  • Vaccinations are covered by insurance and may be taken at CVS, Walgreen, Walmart or from your primary care provider.
  • Kaiser/HMO/Restricted Plans: $200 (I-693 Form) + $200 ( Medical Exam) = Total Cost $400 per person. Labs must still be ordered by your civil officer and is not accepted through other party. Will give you Orders/Guidance after Medical Exam.
  • Your Employer May Pay for Medical Exam Related Expense or your HSA or FSA Card May Cover Expenses. We will give you receipt for reimbursement.
  • We accept Cash & all Credit Cards.

Frequently Asked Questions for I-693 Medical Exams

What Do I Need to Bring On My Visit to Silicon Valley Medical Clinic?
  1. Insurance Card, if you have Health Insurance Coverage
  2. Any Vaccination Records
  3. Valid Govt. Photo ID such as Passport or a USA Driver License
  4. I-693, a 14 pages form expiring in 2022. This PDF fillable i-693 form can be downloaded at our website:
    Download Latest Form I-693
    Instructions for i-693
  5. Payment by Credit Card, Cash or Check.

Form Filling Instructions:

  • One form per applicant is required. Type and Print only in black ink.
  • Fill the 1st page with Applicant info; Fill a few lines on page 2 asking you how USCIS can contact you. Also each page top line has boxes asking your family name, first name and A-number. Please fill these boxes on all pages. If you do not have A-number given; leave it blank.
  • DO NOT sign or put any date. After filling pdf form; print form double sided. Do not use heavy paper as it is difficult to fold.
Where Can I Download Latest I-693 PDF Fillable Form with Barcode & Covid-19 Entry?

You can download the latest i-693 pdf fillable form here. If you save it in a separate folder and open the form with Adobe PDF Reader or Acrobat (not with a Chrome or Edge or IE or other browser extension); the top line on each page will fill automatically with the same name & number as you typed in first page. Our civil surgeon, Dr. Chawla Mehta and clinic location will also print. Please print it single page on a regular weight (19-20lb) plain paper and not heavy or thick paper as scanners get jammed with heavy weight and are difficult to fold. Do not staple the I-693 Form. Do NOT sign form.

Detailed I-693 Form Filling Instructions can be Viewed here.

A Sample I-693 Filled Form can be Viewed here.


Tip:  Using Browsers (Chrome or Edge or other viewers) to open I-693 may not fill i-693 properly or print barcodes or scale it properly. Use Adobe PDF Reader to fill the I-693 form. While printing; use ORIGINAL print setting on your printer i.e. without any print scaling or fitting the form to page.

You can download FREE Adobe Reader from Adobe website or Download Free Adobe PDF Reader here.

The current I-693 form is expiring on 3/31/2022 but we have been advised by USCIS to keep using this form till new form is available. No release date of the new form has been given.

How To Fill Out an I-693 Form? Can I Get a Sample of the Filled Out Copy?

Instructions for I-693 Form – View or DOWNLOAD here. 

A Sample I-693 Filled Form – View or DOWNLOAD here.

DOWNLOAD Latest Fillable I-693 Form expiring 7/31/2025 with a Barcode, Covid-19 and prefilled clinic info.

Use Adobe PDF Reader to populate and print. DOWNLOAD FREE Adobe PDF Reader and install. Do not use browser as they may not support full PDF functionality. You may not see or print bar code or auto populate your name and A-number on each page.

Always use Adobe Reader PDF Viewer. Print form without any printer page scaling or for to page.

How Long Does the Medical Exam Process Take?

The medical exam process will require 2 visits.  Average time for the expedited process is 6-7 days, depending upon your vaccination, lab results, medical history and your timely follow up and how well you filled your form & brought supporting documentation.

On Your First Visit:
Bring i-693 filled form, Vaccinations records, Photo ID & medical history for our review.
You will have Physical Exam & our Physician will evaluate what Vaccines & tests you will need.

  • We will give you order forms for Lab tests for Gonorrhea, Syphilis & TB. Lab results can take up to 5 working days. Let us know when your Lab results come; we will make you an appointment for 2nd
  • We will give you needed vaccines or give you orders for you to get it somewhere else if you so desire.

On Your Second Visit :

Our USCIS Civil Surgeon Dr. Chawla Mehta will review your i-693 completed package, vaccines and labs results and see if anything else is required per USCIS guidelines based on your info.

  • You will be given a sealed envelope of your exam to be submitted to USCIS or your attorney. A duplicate electronic PDF copy will be provided to you via your email.
  • This rarely occurs, however, if the TB Test comes back positive, you will need an extra day.

We are here to help & guide you in your medical exam. However, we defer legal questions for you to ask your attorney. Please let us know, if you have to meet deadlines and have RFE or a scheduled USCIS interview.

What Vaccinations are Required?

Please bring with you your Immunization Records to determine what will be needed per USCIS.
            a) Adults: Tdap, MMR, Hepatitis B, Covid-19, Varicella (Chicken Pox) & Influenza, for age > 2 years
            b) Children: Must be up to date with vaccination schedule for their age per CDC guidelines for
Hepatitis A and B, Influenza and influenza b (Hib), Measles, Mumps, & Rubella (MMR), Meningococcal, Pneumococcal, Pertussis (whooping cough), Polio, Rotavirus, Tetanus & Diphtheria, Varicella (chicken pox). Vaccines schedules are available on our website and CDC websites. Effective June 2022, Hepatitis B is required for ages under 60. 

 USCIS/CDC Vaccination Requirements for I-693 Medical Exam VIEW or DOWNLOAD here.  Do Not worry, our providers will determine any gaps during your medical exam. Bring your vaccination records. Even if you do not have any vaccination records, you will be presented with all available options to meet your requirements for your health needs, cost and expediency for filing I-693 form. We will make sure your filing or acceptance is not delayed.

You can consult your healthcare provider for your specific needs and applicable waivers per USCIS that may be granted by the Civil Surgeon.

For your convenience; we stock and can give all vaccines in our Silicon Valley Medical Clinic.

If you do not have immunization/vaccination records, we answer those questions in the section below this FAQ. 

Covid -19 Vaccine Requirements:

Per recently published CDC guideline; Covid-19 Vaccine is required as of 10/1/2021. Green Card Applicants will be required to show the proof of vaccination to the Civil Surgeon during your I-693 Medical Exam. USCIS has not yet instructed Civil Surgeons or announced any changes in the I-693 form to accommodate Covid-19 vaccination item. However,  Civil Surgeon Dr. Shivani Chawla Mehta will make a notation on your I-693 form of the examining the proof of Covid-19 vaccination. Make sure to bring your Covid-19 vaccination card with you. It is advised to take Covid-19 vaccination as it is expected that the applicant may be asked to show the proof of Covid-19 vaccination during your i-693 Medical Exam or USCIS interview or prior to the issuance of your Green Card. Latest USCIS Vaccine guidelines as of August 12, 2021 are at this link below. 

USCIS Vaccine Requirements According to Applicant Age

Vaccines by applicant age Birth-1 Month 2-11 Months 12 Months-6 Years 7-10 Years 11-17 Years 18-64 Years ≥ 65 Years
Td/Tdap NO  Sometimes* YES, substitute 1-time dose of Tdap for Td booster; then boost with Td or Tdap every 10 years
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella NO YES, if born in 1957 or later  NO
Rotavirus*** NO YES
6 weeks to 8 months old
2 through 59 months old
Hepatitis A NO YES
12 months through 18 years old
Hepatitis B YES, through 59 years old NO
Meningococcal (MenACWY) NO YES
11 through 18 years old
Varicella NO YES
Pneumococcal NO YES, 2 through 59 months old (administer PCV) NO One dose PCV13 followed by PPSV23 or one dose PCV20
Influenza NO, if less than six months old YES, > 6 months
(annually when flu vaccine is available in country of exam)
COVID-19 See the COVID-19 Technical Instructions for the details of this requirement


Covid-19 Vaccination is mandatory for USCIS per current CDC schedule for anyone over the age of 5.

Above are general guidelines. It is best to see Civil Surgeon Dr. Shivani Chawla Mehta and discuss your specific vaccination & medical history, age, contraindications, pregnancy, country of origin, travel history, natural immunity, vaccination cost and other factors to determine your vaccination gaps per USCIS guidelines.

View or Download current USCIS policy manual on vaccinations. 

If you are planning to take vaccine, wear short sleeves or loose clothes so that you arms can be easily accessed by the healthcare provider for giving vaccination.

What If I Do Not Have Vaccine Records?
  • Vaccines are required by USCIS for communicable diseases. Bring any records you may have. We can take any vaccine records that were administered by anyone including in a foreign countries.
    The Physician will do their best within their discretion and USCIS guidelines based on your medical history; give you choices to either do test for immunity or give vaccines. You can decide based on your filing timeline, cost and your health & safety of others.
  • For Example; MMR requires two shots 28 days apart. We can get one today & schedule your take 2nd shot for MMR later. You can file the application now & give the proof to your attorney or take it with you on your USCIS interview and or file with your application.
  • Read other FAQs section regarding what vaccines are required by the USCIS
Are Vaccines Safe? What if I am pregnant or sick?
  • Yes; Vaccines are safe.
  • You can take another shot even if you have taken before.
  • Consult your physician, if you are pregnant or sick or allergic to ingredients. You will need waiver from your physician for USCIS for these conditions. Speak to physician or civil surgeon during your medical exam for guidance. 
  • Civil Surgeon is also allowed to give vaccine waivers to applicants based on applicant’s medical history, contraindications & religious beliefs.
Can I take required USCIS I-693 Vaccines if I had Covid-19 Vaccine?

In general, you can take any vaccine either 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your Covid-19 vaccine injection. New CDC guidelines show that you can take any vaccine along within few days of taking Covid-19 vaccine until there are some contra indications based on your health history as determined by your health care provider. If you have any concern, ask our providers during your medical exam.

Covid -19 Vaccine Requirements:

Per recent CDC guidelines, Covid Vaccine is required as of 10/1/2021. Green Card Applicants will be required to show the proof of vaccination to the Civil Surgeon during your I-693 Medical Exam. USCIS has not yet instructed Civil Surgeons or announced any changes in the I-693 form to accommodate Covid-19 vaccination item. However,  Civil Surgeon Dr. Chawla Mehta will make a notation on your I-693 form, if desired by the applicant that she has seen the proof of Covid-19 vaccination. It is advised to take Covid-19 vaccination as it is expected that the applicant may be asked to show the proof of Covid-19 vaccination during your interview or prior to the issuance of Green Card.

What Lab Tests are Required?

What Lab Tests are required?         

  1. Quantiferon (Tuberculosis) for all ages
  2. Gonorrhea and Syphilis after age 15 and up.

Lab Information

All your lab tests are done by an accredited outside lab. We will recommend you the cheapest Lab. There are 4 labs in our area and their charges range from $400 to $1,000 for the 3 lab required tests. Your insurance will not cover lab charges as these are very specific to immigration exams. For convenience and total low cost of your immigration medical exam; we have negotiated a package price for 3 tests for $165, if payable in advance at the time of medical exam in our clinic.

The independent labs are accepted by USCIS and are independent accredited facilities located across the Bay Area.

If you go to the lab contracted with us, your cost is fixed at $165. If you select lab of your choice, you will be responsible to pay directly to the lab. We are not connected to in any way to the labs. You are advised to check which labs are in your insurance network& if labs are covered under your insurance policy.

USCIS Lab Requirements

  1. Quantiferon (Tuberculosis) for ages 2 years & up.
  2. Gonorrhea and Syphilis after age 15 and up.

    All your lab tests are done by outside lab. We have contracted a lab for the low cost of $165 for 3 tests. In our area other labs charge in the range from $400 to $1,000 for 3 lab required tests. Your insurance may not cover the lab charges. You will be responsible to pay directly to lab of your choice. If we use the lab contracted with us for fixed prepaid package price of $165 paid in advance at the time of medical exam in our clinic. Lab is a third party independent facility with their 17 Lab locations facilities in our area; located in San Jose, Fremont, Los Gatos, Mountain View & Milpitas. You can schedule & view your lab results on line, if you join the Lab’s patient portal. The lab will be also able to come to your home and take samples of your blood & urine.

The lab results take up to 5 working days which is the gating item in finishing your I-693 form & giving you a sealed copy for submission to USCIS.

What is the Cost of the Medical Exam and Lab Tests?

We do every effort to save you money, for Lowest Total Cost of your i-693 Medical Exam completion.
We do not do insurance billing as for Immigration Exams as they are very specific and not covered. I-693 Form is not covered by insurances but your employer may pay for it.

  • I-693 Processing Fee: $200 per Form. Insurances do not cover this. Your employer may pay for it.
  • Medical/Physical Exam Must be done by our Civil Surgeon: $200 per Exam
  • Lab Tests Special Package (Quantiferon, Gonorrhea & Syphilis) = $165 payable in advance. USCIS I-693 required Tests are done by an independent Lab with over 17 locations nearby in our area.
  • Vaccinations are Covered by Insurance: You can get vaccines from anywhere or we can use your existing records. CVS, Walgreen, Walmart and Costco have convenient locations to get vaccines. We have CVS and Walgreen within few blocks from our clinic location.

    COST SUMMARY: (Excluding Vaccinations)
  • Self Pay or No Insurance$200 (I-693) + $200 (Medical Exam) + $165 (Lab Tests) + any Vaccinations cost.
  • PPO Insurances: $200 (I-693) + $200 (Medical Exam) + $165 for Lab Tests + any Vaccinations
    Vaccinations are covered by your insurance. If you are self paying, we can guide you to go the cheapest places.
  • If you need an extra 2nd copy of I-693 original wet ink signed by Dr. Chawla Mehta, the cost is $200 per form.
  • Kaiser/HMO/PAMF/Sutter/Stanford/Restricted or Select Plans: $200 (I-693 Form) + $200 ( Medical Exam) = Total Cost $400 per person.
  • Labs cost $165 as they must be ordered by your civil surgeon.
  • Your Employer May Pay for Medical Exam Related Expense or HSA Card May Cover Expenses. We will give you receipt for reimbursement.
  • Cost of Duplicate Original I-693 Form: $200.  If you have done  I-693 Medical Exam with us previously and just want an original ditto exact copy of the previous I-693 Form, the cost is $200. Only an original copy in wet ink is accepted by USCIS.
  • An electronic copy of you I-693 Form is provided free of charge for your records and you can reprint it and share with anyone. Cost of printed paper copy of I-693 form is $25.
  • We accept Cash or Credit Cards.
  • We charge $200 to process each i-693 form. We work with your insurance for any added vaccinations, labs & physical, but you are responsible for any additional charges.
  • If you have an eligible Insurance, we bill your insurance company for physical exam and vaccinations. If you did not have an annual physical in the last one year; insurances usually cover it without deductibles or copay as part of preventive care. If your insurance does not pay or you are self-pay for physical exam; we charge you $200. Cost of 3 required Lab Tests including Quantiferon TB Test, Gonorrhea and Syphilis that are required after the age 15 and up. If applicant is greater than 2 years of age but less than 15 years; only Quantiferon TB Blood Test is required. Over age 15, all 3 tests are required.
  • If paid in advance; the cost of Quantiferon Test is $95, Gonorrhea is $15 and Syphilis is $55. and $165 for all the 3 lab tests. 
  • Total cost in this case for medical exam, labs & I-693 form processing will be $565. Labs not accepted by other party and must be ordered by your civil surgeon . 
  • I-693 Form Processing is not covered by insurances. Any Out of Pocket Expenses for processing of immigration I-693 are applicant’s responsibility. Some employers may pay for this medical exam expenses. HSA may also cover medical expenses. We will give you the receipt for your reimbursement from your employer or HSA account.
  • We accept Cash, Credit Cards or Check. Our charges are to be paid at the time of 1st visit in advance.
What is the Cost of the Medical Exam and Lab Tests?

We do every effort to save you money, for Lowest Total Cost of your i-693 Medical Exam completion.
We do not do insurance billing as for Immigration Exams as they are very specific and not covered. I-693 Form is not covered by insurances but your employer may pay for it.

  • I-693 Processing Fee: $200 per Form. Insurances do not cover this. Your employer may pay for it.
  • Medical/Physical Exam Must be done by our Civil Surgeon: $200 per Exam
  • Lab Tests Special Package (Quantiferon, Gonorrhea & Syphilis) = $165 payable in advance. USCIS I-693 required Tests are done by an independent Lab with over 17 locations nearby in our area.
  • Vaccinations are Covered by Insurance: You can get vaccines from anywhere or we can use your existing records. CVS, Walgreen, Walmart and Costco have convenient locations to get vaccines. We have CVS and Walgreen within few blocks from our clinic location.

    COST SUMMARY: (Excluding Vaccinations)
  • Self Pay or No Insurance$200 (I-693) + $200 (Medical Exam) + $165 (Lab Tests) + any Vaccinations cost.
  • PPO Insurances: $200 (I-693) + $200 (Medical Exam) + $165 for Lab Tests + any Vaccinations
    Vaccinations are covered by your insurance. If you are self paying, we can guide you to go the cheapest places.
  • If you need an extra 2nd copy of I-693 original wet ink signed by Dr. Chawla Mehta, the cost is $200 per form.
  • Kaiser/HMO/PAMF/Sutter/Stanford/Restricted or Select Plans: $200 (I-693 Form) + $200 ( Medical Exam) = Total Cost $400 per person.
  • Labs cost $165 as they must be ordered by your civil surgeon.
  • Your Employer May Pay for Medical Exam Related Expense or HSA Card May Cover Expenses. We will give you receipt for reimbursement.
  • Cost of Duplicate Original I-693 Form: $200.  If you have done  I-693 Medical Exam with us previously and just want an original ditto exact copy of the previous I-693 Form, the cost is $200. Only an original copy in wet ink is accepted by USCIS.
  • An electronic copy of you I-693 Form is provided free of charge for your records and you can reprint it and share with anyone. Cost of printed paper copy of I-693 form is $25.
  • We accept Cash or Credit Cards.
  • We charge $200 to process each i-693 form. We work with your insurance for any added vaccinations, labs & physical, but you are responsible for any additional charges.
  • If you have an eligible Insurance, we bill your insurance company for physical exam and vaccinations. If you did not have an annual physical in the last one year; insurances usually cover it without deductibles or copay as part of preventive care. If your insurance does not pay or you are self-pay for physical exam; we charge you $200. Cost of 3 required Lab Tests including Quantiferon TB Test, Gonorrhea and Syphilis that are required after the age 15 and up. If applicant is greater than 2 years of age but less than 15 years; only Quantiferon TB Blood Test is required. Over age 15, all 3 tests are required.
  • If paid in advance; the cost of Quantiferon Test is $95, Gonorrhea is $15 and Syphilis is $55. and $165 for all the 3 lab tests. 
  • Total cost in this case for medical exam, labs & I-693 form processing will be $565. Labs not accepted by other party and must be ordered by your civil surgeon . 
  • I-693 Form Processing is not covered by insurances. Any Out of Pocket Expenses for processing of immigration I-693 are applicant’s responsibility. Some employers may pay for this medical exam expenses. HSA may also cover medical expenses. We will give you the receipt for your reimbursement from your employer or HSA account.
  • We accept Cash, Credit Cards or Check. Our charges are to be paid at the time of 1st visit in advance.
How To Book an Appointment?

Appointments Booking:

doctor 01

Make an Appointment Online for an In-Clinic or TeleMed Virtual Visit

Join our Patient Portal called patient ally.

Within Patient Ally you can:

  • make or cancel appointment
  • view your medical records
  • ask for Rx refill requests
  • send secure messages to the doctor

Join today or contact our front office receptionist or our medical assistants next time you visit us and ask for enrolling into Patient Ally.

Clinic Services


Allergies & Asthma





  • School Physicals*
  • DOT/DMV Physicals*
  • Pre-Employment Physicals*

*Not covered by insurance. $250 for each of the two types of physicals. These physicals are not considered an annual checkup.




Well Visits


Sick Visits


Urgent Care

  • Wound Care
  • Laceration Repair
  • Incision & Drainage of Abscess
  • Staple Removal
  • Suture Removal
  • Acute Sick Visits
  • EKG

Women's Health

  • Pap Smears
  • Breast Exams
  • STD screening
  • Contraceptive Counseling
  • Preconception Counseling

Preventive Care

  • Cancer Screenings
  • Weight-loss Counseling
  • Nutrition
  • Immunizations


  • Acne & Skin Care
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Botox
  • Fillers

Immigration Services I-693

  • I-693 Immigration Medical Exams
  • Immigration Labs
  • Immigration Immunizations

Immigration Services I-589

  • I-589 Forms for Asylum $200

Immigration Services N-648

  • Form N-648 Medical Certification for Disability Exception $200